Values of Free Expression

Throughout time, the ideology behind free expression has become increasingly complex and structured. As we can see simply from an observation of the world around us, freedom is an important thing. A freedom in personal life, a country, a situation, and in conversation are four large reasons why some of America's society and government are sought after. But even under all
of these thousands of reasons why freedom is important, one can find that for a successful and fulfilling life, freedom is essential. From this freedom stems eight core values of expression. These eight pillars of expression not only hold this value up, but they also aid one another,
forming a strong bond within the ideology surrounding them. One of the most important, underrated, and meaningful of these expressional values is the focus of individual self-fulfillment. Self-fulfillment is an extremely important freedom, because without the basis of one's self, nothing can be built or expanded upon. It takes a strong understanding of one's self before that person can unlock their greatest talents, or create their magnum opus. Without the freedom of self-fulfillment, so much personal potential is lost, or trapped behind bars. This freedom itself is one of the most underrated and overlooked topics of all time. When people come together to create, they often look at the big picture. This is a strong and great way to build, but they often ignore themselves, and what would align properly with their core expressions. They lock their identity behind bars and overlook the idea of introspection.
Without self-fulfillment, happiness would be very rare, and many people would never get along. Being able to discover and understand what one's needs are allows someone to take care of themselves first, in order to create a better, loving, and caring person for the world around them. When discussing this core value as an essential, one must also understand that it's not just about benefitting others. With self-fulfillment at the helm, expression becomes a part of human life and dignity. Without it, many would lose the keys to unlocking a better self, and a better world.


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