Echo Chambers in Media

As the world has rapidly become more dependent on social media, mainstream media, and digital sources for their news, a shift in the political world has been seen. Over the years, people have moved away from doing their own research, finding their own answers, and instead have used the easiest and often laziest way of obtaining their news. People fall to victim to this by simply listening to the sources that are put right in front of them, whether this is on television, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, or anywhere else. This saturated use of media has given people what they want, instead of making them look, or try, for their information. Stemming from this, the political spectrum has seen a dramatic shift in the about of Echo Chambers that have popped up. The term “Echo Chamber” is a label used in media to reference a situation in which beliefs are amplified and re-verbed inside of a “space." This space can be anything ranging from a real, tangible group of people meeting in a room, to an online discussion forum made up of hundreds of online chatters. The "space" for an echo chamber can be anywhere, its all about the principal behind it. These chambers allow people to become bias, and lead folks to only choose to participate in activities or groups that support their ideas alone. These spaces are not safe whatsoever.
But it doesn't stop there. Echo chambers mostly have negative effects on the people involved, and the people outside that space. For example, echo chambers increase political and social polarization and can ultimately cause extremism. This is extremely dangerous, especially in today's world where radical thinking can spread quickly and hurt many if not contained or monitored. Also, enclosed thoughts often lead to heavy political and social bias as well, preventing meaningful conversation among those not in a specific echo chamber. These chambers are breeding grounds for poor learning, small thinking, and political failure.


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