EOTO Presentation Reflection

A few weeks ago, my class and I had presentations for the Each One Teach One, or EOTO, day in our Media Law and Literacy class. Personally, my topic was on the background of Echo Chambers and how they are dangerous for our society and political climate as a whole. Around twenty other classmates of mine also participated in this EOTO Presentation day, and I had the opportunity to learn a ton about other mediaspheres, policies, theories, and more. Zoning in a little more specifically, one of the more interesting topics I learned about was propaganda in the online age. It was fascinating to see how propaganda has grown from something like words in a poster or almanac to videos and movies in the digital world. We learned about how this material, propaganda, is used to persuade people, or an audience, into participating in a certain agenda. The presentation covered earlier forms of this, like wartime posters during World War 2, flyers during the moon race, and even pamphlets and their use in places like advertising firms and so on. Eventually, the topic changed and we discussed the presence of propaganda in the online world. Just from simple research alone, and using the definition of propaganda, it was clear to see that it is everywhere on the internet. In fact, not many websites, forums, or platforms steer away from propaganda.
Almost everywhere using some sort of persuasion to keep people using their app, or to convince people to follow a political agenda, or anything else. Even fat loss advertisements and ads on YouTube can be considered propaganda in certain lights. Although not all of this material is heavily persuasive or invasive, but it was eye opening to see how many pieces of material like this existed online. It was also slightly freaky to see just how much of the world around us had to do with agendas, persuasive materials, and more.


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