American Conservative Blog

Since the election of Donald Trump in late 2016, the country has been relatively split on their opinions of who this president is, what he's doing, and how the nation will change because of him. This is no strange behavior as America has generally always had both sides of the political spectrum against one another. Regardless of how strong or weak a president is, some people will inevitably like or dislike them. In this specific case, Donald Trump has been constantly under fire even before he came into office. While some of the complaints made about this president have validity, and other claims do not, there are some things that the media has done to influence readers, viewers, and others into believing things that are not true. The most recent example of this lying can be seen through various articles regarding an action Donald Trump took on twitter a few days ago. On September 29th, Trump retweeted a tweet from Pastor Robert Jeffress. This tweet stated that if the president were to be removed from office, it would "cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Immediately, news and media outlets all over the country took to their keyboards to state that "Trump Threatens Civil War if He's Impeached".
Quite simply, Trump never threatened anything. Certain sects of the media read too far into the tweet and definitely missed the mark when relaying information to their readers. The Tweet itself never says that a "Civil War" would break out, and Trump retweeting this post doesn't imply that he wants a civil war to happen, or that there would even be one. Unfortunately, many people didn't get to read about this for themselves, and instead used third party outlets to find their information. This kind of bias in the American society continues to plague citizens and turn people against one another. Trump certainly doesn't always make it easy on himself, but sometimes media sources should step back from political agendas and just report the facts. Facts, and no fiction, would make the American society more aware, more opinionated, and all around closer together. It's the twenty-first century, people have enough around them to form their own opinions. Instead, folks just let others do all the thinking for them.

This blog was heavily inspired by this article by Peter Van Buren.


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